Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Michigan: Bring your (Apple)tite!

The first day of fall always brings back memories for all - what better way to kick off the season than with an apple tasting!  The annual apple tasting, hosted by the RDs, for residents and associates was a definite hit!  The RDs teamed up with Life Enrichment to gather residents for this festive event, residents made their way around the beautiful display of a variety of local and exotic apples.  The residents shared stories of which apples they used for making pies, what they used to pick from the trees at home, and many other fond memories were shared within the packed room!  Team members interacted with the residents to share their stories also.  The DON brought a nursing candidate down while interviewing her to showcase our engagement (and she didn’t want to miss out on tasting the KIKU apples!)!
Since the temperature was 80+ degrees, the RDs thought the residents may need a refreshing, nutrient-rich apple pie smoothie to go with the apples.  This was also a hit!

The RDs at Evangelical Homes of Michigan Sterling

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