Thursday, June 9, 2016

Michigan: Weekly Nutrition Prompts for June

Monday, 6/13 is the start of Men's Health Week and #BlueMonday, which began in Michigan last year. Here is a link of a local organization (and personal to me) that's doing great things!  

Dana Lutz | RD, Regional Clinical Nutrition Manager | Morrison Community Living |­ Evangelical Homes Sterling Heights

Add these tips each week to your weekly menu, newsletters, zipthru connect emails, LCD screens or websites!
*Note: Please don’t print this document as is for your customers. Please copy and paste these to other documents that you are currently using.

June 6th – June is National Fresh Fruit and Veggie month!  The café is celebrating this month long event with our Eat Your Veggies campaign.  Kick start your way to a summer filled with fresh, seasonal produce, while introducing new and delicious ways to eat your vegetables. Look for a rainbow of fresh fruits and veggies in the café today!

June 13th – Celebrate Men’s Health Week!  There are a number of easy ways for you and your loved ones to get healthier: exercise the recommended 2 ½ hours each week, sleep 7-9 hours a night, manage stress, quit smoking and eat nutritious meals including a variety of colorful vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains.  For more information on how to make healthier choices visit

June 20th – Cutting back on red meat is a common recommendation for health and sustainability reasons. This month’s Eat Right Live Well newsletter discusses the benefits of incorporating more fish high in omega-3s into your diet and which fish are the best choices. Find this month’s newsletter in your café for more details.

June 27th – Melons are a superfood! They are a good source of vitamin C and are a great choice during hot weather as melons can contain up to 94% water and help us stay hydrated. Enjoy this superfood cut up or in dishes like salads, parfaits and chutneys. Cantaloupe, honeydew, casaba, crenshaw or watermelon – try one of these varieties in the café today!

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