Friday, September 11, 2015

Michigan: House-made Refrigerator Pickles

The beginning of fall is the perfect time to preserve the bounty of summer, and nothing says preserving like PICKLES.  Here at the Felician Sisters Michigan we took our plentiful fresh cucumbers and turned them into Refrigerator Pickles.  These pickles will last up to 1 month and are ready for consumption after 24 hours (but are usually much better after sitting for about a week).  You take your boiling brine and pour it over the fresh pickles with whatever flavor you want to impart and viola, pickles!  In this method, there is no canning process so there is no additional cooking, therefore the cucumber are a little crisper and greener than the traditional method.  The sisters loved the idea, it reminded them of the days when they would can for a week straight.  We can't wait to serve them on Labor Day with our cook out!

 Brine Recipe:
  • 24 Cups Water
  • 18 Cups White Vinegar
  • 6 T Sugar
  • 5 T Kosher Salt
  • Bring to a boil and pour over vegetables and aromatics
Aromatics Used:
  • 10 Garlic Cloves
  • 1 T & 1 t Mustard Seed
  • 1 T & 1 t Peppercorns
  • 6 Bay Leaves
  • 15 Stalks of Fresh Dill

Phillip Emerson Regional Executive Chef, DDS

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